Already 5823 satisfied customers.  Are you next?

With Postbird you can!

Send 1, 100 or 10,000 letters, registered documents or invoices worldwide in just 10 seconds with Postbird. The powerful and versatile solution for all your mailing needs.

Send my mail

Highly recommended!

"Postbird has greatly simplified our document processing and saves us time and money. Highly recommended for any business!"

Discover Postbird now

Here's how it works ...

Step 1: Register your Postbird account

Ready to get started with the convenience of Postbird?  Register your own Postbird account today and discover a new world of efficiency and cost savings in sending mail.

Register now

Step 2: Document Upload

Effortlessly upload your documents to our secure platform. No hassles, no technical obstacles.

Start sending

Step 3: Verify the address

Quickly and easily validate the address to ensure your mail piece is delivered on time and correctly. We take care of the details, you can go about your daily business with confidence.

Try it here

Step 4: Choose the options

Do you want registered mail for extra security? Or do you want to save costs with non-prior shipping? You also have the option to customize print colors and double-sided printing options. The choice is yours, because Postbird is all about convenience and control.

Send your first letter

Step 5: Go!

Done! We take it from here. We print your document, fold it, put it in an envelope and stamp it. Then it is picked up by the local postal processor in the country where the document was printed.

Try Postbird now

Start immediately at no cost

Register online today and start sending right away, with no start-up costs. It works quickly and effortlessly! 

Save time and be available 24/7

Saving on red tape is always a smart move. With Postbird, you can enjoy simplicity and convenience 24/7, without the hassle of stamps and envelopes. This leaves you more time for your core activities.


Every invoice, letter or registered mail that you upload is protected by an encrypted connection. Only you have access to these documents via your account.

Tailored to your business

Do you see opportunities to integrate Postbird with your existing software? Let us know, and we're ready to assist you with seamless integration.


Using your own stationery? Of course! We make sure your letter or invoice is printed in your own house style or we add a specific attachment, or logo on the envelope if you wish.


We can print and ship your documents from various international locations, ensuring lightning-fast delivery and significant cost savings!

Still have questions?

No worries, we're happy to help.  Just get in touch!


Calculate the price for your shipment

Number of letters:

Number of pages:

Color printing:

Print double-sided:

Add address page:

Archive document after sending:

Send prior:

Registered shipment:

With acknowledgement receipt:

Destination country: